本套票主要包括四个最有趣也最多人参加的景点:鸣笛游船(horn blower cruise])、瀑布水帘洞之旅(Journey behind the falls)、飞瀑怒潮(Niagara’s Fury,4D电影让您仿若置身于瀑布中,体验瀑布带给您的全方位多角度多感官体验)、白水漫步(White Water Walk,体验世界上最湍急的水流,当然不是让您在水流中游泳,而是在岸上漫步,看白浪翻飞)。
Effective August 13, the Niagara Falls Adventure Pass will include two days transportation on the new WEGO bus system. WEGO connects Niagara Parks to routes through the City’s tourism districts.
You will continue to use the existing Adventure Pass vouchers – when your customers exchange the vouchers in the Park they will receive an Adventure Pass scan card that is also programmed to provide two days WEGO transportation.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If your Adventure Pass customers would like to ride WEGO to Niagara Parks to get their Pass, showing their voucher to the WEGO bus driver will provide a ride to Table Rock.