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美国瀑布观景岩:Prospect Point

fashion 发表于 2010-6-20 17:01:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

这张照片摄于1954年7月28日,拍摄者Charles Parent。照片当时登在The Standard(St. Catharines的一家报纸上)。报纸上的原文是这样写的:'Massive shelf of Rock Starts Downward Plunge. The American falls presented its new face today to thousands of tourists-a face strangely distorted by the collapse into the Niagara river gorge of tons of rock that made up the popular observation area, Prospect point. Before the awed gaze of countless visitors to this famed resort area, an estimated 185,000 tons of rock slipped with a thunderous roar Wednesday from the top of the 170-foot chasm. It was the worst rockfall here since Jan. 17, 1931, when a huge section of the American falls rumbled into the gorge. The sudden and spectacular facelifting ripped away a major portion of Prospect point and carved out a tremendous pie-shaped hunk of the American falls itself. Engineers for the Niagara frontier state parks commission estimated the size of the rockfall as 40 feet long from the lip of the gorge, 50 feet wide, and 150 feet deep. An estimated 20 feet of the falls crestline crashed to a point 70 feet down the face."

Prospect Point是观赏美国瀑布最佳的场所,但是河水的风化令岩石不断坠落。1954年7月份,公园管理处发现一条裂缝,意味着这块岩石可能要分崩离析了。几小时之内,18500吨的岩石就往峡谷里掉。十天后,工作人员就将残留未掉下去的2700吨岩石给铲掉了。后来在这个位置盖了一个丑陋的瞭望。
 楼主| fashion 发表于 2010-6-20 17:02:22 | 显示全部楼层

此照片摄于1985年6月13日,地点是美国纽约州尼亚加拉市。摄影师Les Slorach,在第二天的The Standard报纸上说:"With the Horseshoe Falls roaring in the background Greenpeace activist Lauri Roberts secures a large banner to the steel girder of the Prospect Point observation tower in Niagara Falls, N.Y. yesterday. Hundreds of tourists watched the event - the last in a series of demonstrations launched by Greenpeace during its week-long campaign against pollution in the Niagara River." (“以怒吼的马蹄瀑布作为背景,绿色和平组织成员Lauri Roberts昨日成功地将一块条幅挂在美国纽约州尼亚加拉市Prospect Point观景台的钢架上。数百名游客目睹了这一壮举——在长达一周的的抗议尼亚加拉河水污染的战役中,绿色和平组织作了一系列的活动,这是最后一场表演。)

条幅上的字为Toxic Drinking Water(有毒的饮用水)和From USA with Love(来自美国的爱)

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 楼主| fashion 发表于 2010-6-20 17:02:55 | 显示全部楼层

A blasting crew works to clean up the Prospect Point rockfall
员工在清除Prospect Point上坠落的岩石

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 楼主| fashion 发表于 2010-6-20 17:03:27 | 显示全部楼层

Rockfall at Prospect Point, 1954

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